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Education Business proposal from Kleem education group,
Kleem Edueshop Pvt Ltd is a education based company providing admission in Regular / Distance education courses in different University/college, we work specially in Madhya Pradesh and Delhi NCR, we take all the fees through University/college Account / DD, No cash, transaction.
  Our Services:
&bull             Admission Consultancy
&bull             Distance education
&bull             Online Course selling
&bull             NGO Consultancy  online classes
Regular Courses: -
We Provide Admission guidance in Medical, Engineering, Management, Pharmacy, Nursing, Education Research stream in Indian Universities / Institutions.
M.Tech, B.Tech, Diploma, ANM, GNM, B.sc / M.Sc. Nursing, D-Pharma, B-Pharma, MBA, MCA, M.ed, B.ed, D.eld/JBT, M.P.Ed, MSC, M.Com, BBA BA, MA, BCA, PGDCA, DCA BALLB, LLB, LLM, MSW, MJMC, BJMC BMLT, DMLT, BPT, MPT & other paramedical certificate / diploma course , M.phill / Ph.d
Note: - We have facility to do all the work related to Ph.d, we have the facility to write Ph.D / M.Phill. Thesis and publication also
Distance Education:-
We are offering UG and PG course for distance mode. We have the association with many Universities recognized by UGC, DEC & AIU. Distance Courses facility available
MBA, MCA, , B.B.A, B.C.A, M.Sc. B.sc.  M.Com, B.Com, M.A, B.A, M.SW, BSW, M.Lib, B.Lib,  PGDCA DCA,  M.J.M.C, B.J.M.C.
University associated with us
  List of  MP University
 Sri Satya sai University Sehore
 RKDF University Bhopal
 Servpalli Radha Krishnan University Bhopal
 Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam UNiversity Indore
 BHABHA  University Bhopal
 Madhyanchal University Bhopal
 Man Sarover Global University Bhopal
 Sage university Indore
 Sri Krishna University Chhatarpur M.P
 P.K University  M.P
 Mahatma Ghandhi Gramodaya Vishvidalaya Chitrakoot MP Distance Mode
 Mahirshi Mahesh Yogi University Jabalpur MP Distance Mode
 Sardar Patel University Bhopal
  and many more college for B.Ed, M.Ed, Nursing, Managment, Engineering & others corses
  List of  Delhi / NCR University
Galghotia University Greater Noida
Noida International University
 GNIOT College
 ITS College
 G L Bajaj Engineering & Mgt. College
 IMT College Gajiabad
 Jagannath Institue of Management Studies
 IILM College
 Himalayan Garwal University
 Om Sterling University
 Sri Venkethwra University Gajrolla
  ABES Engineering College
 many more college of delhi NCR
Distance University list
Mahatma Gandhi Chitrakoot Gramoday University GOVT. University
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi University Jabalpur
Ravindra Nath Tagore University Bhopal
MATS University Chattishgarh
Jaipur National University
Suresh Ghyan Vihar University
 We also work for Delhi NCR College & M.P College for different courses
E-study material  for sale : online study material / Test Series available for Bank PO / SSC / NDA / CTET / NEET / JEE / CLAT  MS Word / Pagemaker / Pdf copy
Online course /classes available Autonomous Courses
Basic Astrology Course
NGO Management  Course
English Spoken Course
Classes for CTET for more detail fees / business association
For course and Fees details Please Call &ndash Mr. Santosh Sahu